A look back into our past
I try to create wines that suit our climate and our way of life – wines to drink with the food we grow, make and eat.
– Spectra
Spectra winery was realised to focus on our passion for the region and its ability to produce dry – grown and environmentally sustainable wine. Recently a new home was established on our holistic philosophy to winemaking which starts with climate, empahasises the importance on the vineyard, as well as wine’s relation to the food we love to grow, cook, and eat.

Margaret and Harry Jennings purchase Spectra Winery.

As the business grows, the family decides to increase production and sales expand to local vendors.

With an award winning Pinot Noir, Spectra Winery becomes a leader in the wine industry.

Sandra and Josh join Sprectra Winery in 2006, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge.

With a new focus on sustainability, habitats for barns owl are created at Spectra winery. Rather than relying on chemicals and pesticides, barn owls are used to ensure rodents are removed from the vineyards.

Spectra Winery is named American Winery of the Year.
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